VA – Forest Freqs (2011, Ohm Ganesh Pro)


Focusing on the twisted sounds of the Dark Forest Psytrance, this compilation from Ohm Ganesh Pro (Israel) is billed as a fresh collection of trippy, groovy, thumping, and booty-shaking psytrance perfect for the open air party season.

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01 – Chemical Abstract – Losed In My Self (148 BPM)
02 – Sample Bugs – Trella (150 BPM)
03 – Mind Oscillation – Real High (150 BPM)
04 – Chemical Abstract – Proton vs Neutron (150 BPM)
05 – Gamaliel – Unisex Sanat (150 BPM)
06 – Sample Bugs – Combat Is DJ (153 BPM)
07 – Kalilaskov AS & Sample Bugs – Drunken Samothraki (155 BPM)
08 – Twisted Reaction & Kalilaskov AS – Las Vegas Bastards (154 BPM)
09 – Mind Oscillation – Selva Impenetrable (155 BPM)
10 – Aghori Tantrik – Dark Days (150 BPM)

Compiled by Kalilaskov AS and audio mastering service by PsyShark, Israel.

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