Ohmage Tribute to Padma (2008)


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Ohm Mani Padma Hum
In honor to DJ Padma’s memory, a free digital release has been published on the Mantra Tribe System, no distributors, minimal ecological impact and investment. Some of the artists include Electrypnose, Oil, Cerebral Factory, Master Margherita, Aghori Tantrik & Yab Yum.

OHMAGE tracklisting:

MASTER MARGHERITA (Peak) -Out of this worlds again-
PHOBOSPHERE -Serious vacation-
YAB YUM vs MORPHOGENESIS (Peak) -Padmatic-
UNHINGED (Crystal skull) -Congress-
AGHORI TANTRIK (Sonic Tantra) -Sunrise in Kabrastan-
D-FRAGMENTAL (MTS)-Quintum genus-
ELECTRYPNOSE -Try to hold it-
TOROG vs VAK(MTS)-Qui_êtes vous-
PSYBERPUNK -Hymn of Chaos-
PHOBIUM -Strider Struggle-
AIJA (Peak) – Divine breath-
OIL (Trishula) -Imse Vimse Kräks-
WISE or WRAP (MTS) -Soul Mantra-
DOCD (MTS) -Toujours la motive-

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